Laura McCafferty has been appointed as the National Education Officer leading the Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) programme.
Laura was previously one of the programme’s Primary Science Development Officers (PSDO) in Falkirk. She will now work closely with PSDOs, local authorities, and other partners to anchor the network, develop professional learning and resources, and collaborative, context-driven targets.
Laura’s predecessor Gayle has joined The Wood Foundation’s central team as Education Director and will continue to provide strategic management support to RAiSE.
Laura said:
“I have a real passion for education and have wanted to be a teacher since I was six years old after being inspired by my own primary 2 teacher.
“Having witnessed first-hand the impact high quality STEM learning experiences have on all learners, regardless of academic ability and achievement, this role greatly excites me. STEM can be used as a vehicle to engage disengaged learners and can provide all learners the chance to show their potential through hands-on, practical application.
“I cannot wait to see RAiSE continue to grow. I believe providing our young people with inspiring, motivational STEM learning experiences and increasing their awareness of STEM industry and future career prospects will be crucial in our ever-evolving society.”
Laura’s 14-year education career has seen her hold a number of roles alongside class teacher. She has been a whole school STEM Lead, taken pastoral responsibility for staff and pupils across a range of year groups, and been part of the implementation team for GIRFEC in her setting.
Gayle Duffus said:
“I am delighted to have Laura in this position. She has done a fantastic job as one of the PSDOs in Falkirk and has great experience to bring to the role.”
RAiSE is a programme of The Wood Foundation, Scottish Government, Education Scotland and participating local authorities that empowers primary practitioners with the skills, networks, and opportunities to develop and deliver motivating and engaging STEM experiences. It has engaged 20 of Scotland’s local authorities to date and is open to national invitation.
Laura can be contacted at raise@thewoodfoundation.org.uk.